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发布日期:2023-12-25    作者:     来源:     点击:

王飞,三级教授,博士生导师,国家级海外高层次青年人才,化学与材料科学学院副院长,山西省材料研究学会常务理事。研究团队主要从事磁性拓扑材料的制备及其在自旋电子学中的应用研究。近年来,在国际知名期刊上发表论文30余篇,其中包括《Nature Materials》2篇,《Nature Nanotechnology》1篇,《Science》1篇,《Nature Electronics》1篇,《Nature Communications》3篇,《Physical Review Letters》2篇,《Nano Letters》4篇,被引1000余次,申请美国国家发明专利1项。多次受邀在国际国内重要会议做邀请报告,长期担任Nature Materials,Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters等期刊审稿人。



2024-至今 山西师范大学,化学与材料科学学院,三级教授,博士生导师,化学与材料科学学院副院长

2020-2023新加坡国立大学(合作导师:Hyunsoo Yang教授),电子与计算机工程系,研究员










1.F. Wang#, G. Y. Shi#, D. S. Yang, H. R. Tan, C. H. Zhang, J. Y. Lei, Y. C. Pu, S. H. Yang, A. Soumyanarayanan, M. Elyasi and H. S. Yang,Deterministic switching of perpendicular magnetization by out-of-plane anti-damping magnon torques,NatureNanotechnology(Accepted, 2024)(#equal first authors)

2.D. S. Yang, T. Kim, K. Lee, C. Xu, Y. K. Liu,F. Wang, S. S. Zhao, D. Kumar, H. S. Yang,Spin-orbit torque manipulation of sub-terahertz magnons in antiferromagnet α-Fe2O3,Nature Communications(Accepted, 2024)

3.F. Wang#, G. Y. Shi#, K. W. Kim#, H. J. Park, J. G. Jang, H. R. Tan, M. Lin, Y. K. Liu, T. Kim, D. S. Yang, S. S. Zhao, K. Lee, S. H. Yang, A. Soumyanarayanan, K. J. Lee, and H. S. Yang,Field-free switching of perpendicular magnetization by two-dimensional PtTe2/WTe2van der Waals heterostructures with a high spin Hall conductivity,Nature MaterialsDOI: 10.1038/s41563-023-01774-z (2024)(#equal first authors)

4.Q. Yang, D. Han, S. S. Zhao, J. Kang,F. Wang, S. C. Lee, J. Y. Lei, K. J. Lee, B. G. Park, and H. S. Yang,Field-free spin-orbit torque switching in ferromagnetic trilayers at sub-ns timescales,Nature Communications15, 1814 (2024)

5.Y. K. Liu, G. Y. Shi, D. Kumar, T. Kim, S. Y. Shi, D. S. Yang, J. T. Zhang, C. H. Zhang,F. Wang, S. H. Yang, Y. C. Pu, P. Yu, K. M. Cai, and H. S. Yang,Field-free switching of perpendicular magnetization at room temperature using out-of-plane spins in TaIrTe4,Nature Electronics6,732-738(2023)

6.F. Wang, Y. F. Zhao, Z. J. Yan, H. M. Yi, W. Yuan, L. J. Zhou, W. W. Zhao, M. H. W. Chan, and C. Z. Chang,Evolution ofdopant-concentration-induced magnetic exchange interaction in topological insulator thin films,Nano Letters23, 2483-2489 (2023)

7.Y. F. Zhao, L. J. Zhou,F. Wang, G. Wang, T. C. Song, D. Ovchinnikov, H. M. Yi, R. B. Mei, K. Wang, M. H. W. Chan, C. X. Liu, X. D. Xu, and C. Z. Chang,Even-odd layer-dependent anomalous Hall effect in topological magnet MnBi2Te4thin films,Nano Letters21, 7691-7698 (2021)

8.W. B. Wang, Y. F. Zhao,F. Wang, M. W. Daniels, C. Z. Chang, J. D. Zang, D. Xiao, and W. D. Wu,Chiral-bubble-induced topological Hall effect in ferromagnetic topological insulator heterostructures,Nano Letters21, 1108-1114 (2021)

9.F. Wang#, X. P. Wang#, Y. F. Zhao#, D. Xiao, L. J. Zhou, W. Liu, Z. D. Zhang, W. W. Zhao, M. H. W. Chan, N. Samarth, C. X. Liu, H. J. Zhang, and C. Z. Chang,Interface-induced sign change of the anomalous Hall effect in magnetic topological insulator heterostructures,Nature Communications12, 79 (2021) (#equal first authors)

10.M. Kayyalha, D. Xiao, R. Zhang, J. Shin, J. Jiang,F. Wang, Y.-F. Zhao, R. Xiao, L. Zhang, K. M. Fijalkowski, P. Mandal, M. Winnerlein, C. Gould, Q. Li, L. W. Molenkamp, M. H. W. Chan, N. Samarth, andC.-Z. Chang, Absence of evidence for chiral Majorana modes in quantum anomalous Hall-superconductor devices,Science367, 64-67 (2020)

11.J. Jiang, D. Xiao,F. Wang,J. H. Shin, D. Andreoli, J. X. Zhang, R. Xiao, Y. F. Zhao, M. Kayyalha, L. Zhang, K. Wang, J. D. Zang, C. X. Liu, N. Samarth, M. H. W. Chan, and C. Z. Chang,Concurrence of quantum anomalous Hall and topological Hall effects in magnetic topological insulator sandwich heterostructures,Nature Materials19, 732-737 (2020)

12.F. Wang#, D. Xiao#, W. Yuan#, J. Jiang, Y. F. Zhao, L. Zhang, Y. Y. Yao, W. Liu, Z. D. Zhang, C. X. Liu, J. Shi, W. Han, M. H. W. Chan, N. Samarth, and C. Z. Chang,Observation of interfacial antiferromagnetic coupling between magnetic topological insulator and antiferromagnetic insulator,Nano Letters19, 2945-2952 (2019) (#equal first authors)

13.H. R. Zhang, Y. Yun, X. J. Zhang, H. Zhang, Y. Ma, X. Yan,F. Wang, G. Li, R. Li, T. Khan, Y. S. Chen, W. Liu, F. X. Hu, B. G. Liu, B. G. Shen, W. Han, and J. R. Sun,High-mobility spin-polarized two-dimensional electron gases at EuO/KTaO3interfaces,Physical Review Letters121, 116803 (2018)

14.D. Xiao, J. Jiang, J. H. Shin, W. B. Wang,F. Wang, Y. F. Zhao, C. X. Liu, W. D. Wu, M. H. W. Chan, N. Samarth, and C. Z. Chang,Realization of the axion insulator state in quantum anomalous Hall sandwich heterostructures,Physical Review Letters120, 056801 (2018) (Editors’ Suggestion) (Highly Cited Paper)


2024-2026国家级海外高层次青年人才项目《拓扑材料自旋调控与器件应用》300万 主持

2024年 山西师范大学第三层次人才启动经费300万 主持


Hyunsoo Yang,Fei Wang, and Guoyi Shi,Room temperature switching of perpendicular magnetization by magnon torques,United States Patent,申请号: 10202300540R






